Sunday, May 8, 2011


As I wake up with my coffee this Mother's Day, it occurred to me that being a Mom is more than just having children. Being a Mom for me this year also means that I get to use the cool title of "Mompreneur."

I have been having reoccurring dreams that I am pregnant and each time, I wake up in a complete panic! I am a "two kids only" kind of Mom! Looking up the meaning behind my dream, I found this explanation: "Being pregnant in your dream may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal." 

 Isn't that awesome?!

Where we are with Product X: I am meeting with the packaging company Tuesday to discuss our needs and to get pricing. I was supposed to meet with them last week but I had to reschedule which stinks because I am so anxious to find out how we will be packaging Product X.

My Husband reminded me that I need to focus on sales. Sales, sales, sales. With having Learning Express already under my belt, I have to focus on other big retailers. We are also going to have an on-line shop so I can promote Product X that way.
I am blessed to celebrate this Mothers Day with my family and celebrate being a MOMpreneur with all of you!



  1. Happy MOMpreneur day to you too! Thank you for the update and I can not wait to hear more!

  2. Happy MOMpreneur day Tracy and all other women inventors! What a nice scenario, I hope you have an easy delivery! I will be promoting you in the North East. I can't wait to see what the baby looks like. Hey, can I be Godmother? MI

  3. Ha ha, Godmother, that's funny MI!
