Sunday, September 18, 2011

A little less conversation, a little more action please!

4,000 + 6,000 = Launch!

We will be getting the remaining 6,000 pieces of SassaB in less than two weeks and then it's full speed ahead!

Photo shoot is next on the agenda ~ we have a very talented photographer (he actually shot the opening of a prime time morning show) working with us...very blessed!

Once we have the photos, we will be getting the insert cards's GO TIME!

 I'm just so thankful, excited, beyond amazed that SassaB is almost for sale! I'm tired of talking about SassaB...I'm ready to sell SassaB!


  1. Waiting patiently. (Though no less excitedly) to hear what exactly SassaB is. Not much longer now.

  2. I really appreciate both of you Kerri and Mary and thank you for waiting...I can not wait to tell you ALL about SassaB!

  3. HI Tracy! I've been pulled away for a while! But now I'm back and all caught up on you. I can't wait to see the reveal!!! JUST CANT WAIT! Praying blessings all over you.

    Deedra :)

  4. Good to hear from you again Deedra and thank you for the blessings!!! Fill us in on's business?
