Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How cool is that?!

Well, well, well the day just keeps getting better!!!

I picked up one of my favorite mags - People - and saw a book titled "If you give a mom a martini" in the gift guide section. The book is written by Lyss Stern and Julie Klappas and it's a list by busy moms (including Kelly Ripa) of what they do when they have 10 minutes to themselves.

With the "Kelly Ripa" connection, I emailed Lyss to tell her about my blog and get her advice on how to launch my blog into cyberspace.

It was a VERY nice surprise to log on this afternoon and see that she emailed me back! How cool is that?!

Lyss said she'd be happy to help in any way she could so I emailed her back right away.

I'll anxiously be waiting for her reply and of course, her advice.

In the meantime I am sitting down with a glass of wine to read her book. Picked it up today at bn.

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