Monday, April 27, 2009

Protect your idea!

My Husband urged me to protect Product X by writing a description of my product and mailing it to myself. I guess doing this will prevent someone from coping it. So I spent much of my time today doing just that. He's such a great guy!

It's fascinating to me all that is going into Product X. So much time and thought but I do have to say, this is right up my ally! I love being creative and daydreaming of what's to come. I also love PR work so I spent the morning/afternoon promoting my blog and emailing sites that I thought would be interested in reading it.

I purchased a beautiful notebook to keep all my contacts, ideas, sketches, etc. in about Product X but sadly my handwriting is SO terrible that I feel sorry for this beautiful book. It deserves better than my chicken scratch! What will be fun will be reading it down the road when Product X hits the shelf (God willing)!

The show will air in January so it should't be much longer until casting starts! Can't wait!

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