Sunday, September 27, 2009

Workin' it at home and beyond

You know that feeling you get when you cook your kids breakfast and they look at it and say "Ewww"... there is nothing that gets under my skin more! Except drivers that stop at the red light in the right hand lane when they are going straight but I want to turn RIGHT! Frustrating!

But back to the point I am trying to make...every time I ask myself, "Why are you working so hard towards getting The Everything Marinator made? What's the point? In the grand scheme of things, what does it matter"?

The answer is this: I want to feel feeling of excitement and accomplishment so when my kids give me the "ewww" or laundry is piling up or dishes are waiting to be unloaded in the dishwasher, I will know that I am doing something for MYSELF - something I WANT to do and SUCCEEDING at living the dream of being a Momtrepreneur!

Tomorrow is Monday and in between the loads of darks and brights, I will be calling my contacts, emailing the potential investors, networking my media friends and one day...The Everything Marinator will be in dishwashers across the globe waiting to be filled again with yummy BBQ, healthy chicken and tasty veggies!

And drivers will merge into the left lane.. at the red light...if they are going straight...


  1. Thanks girls! To give my kids credit, they asked for french toast and I did not have bread so I took mini waffles and made french toast out of them! It's the hottest new invention! :) Well...according to my kids, not so great! Ha!

  2. Thanks girls! To give my kids credit, they asked for french toast and I did not have bread so I took mini waffles and made french toast out of them! It's the hottest new invention! :) Well...according to my kids, not so great! Ha!

  3. Sleep well everyone! Can't wait to see who gets called in the next few days!!!

    Deedra :)

  4. Yes, Deedra I can't wait either! Get ANOTHER night of sleep everyone... and keep cheering eachother on! There are so many ingenious ideas that I have seen from ALL of you, it's just a matter of WHEN not if!

  5. Now, ladies, bear in mind that this stuff is completely new to me BUT...could it possibly be that a "call back" takes the form of an actual phone "call back" and not an in-person call back? I mean, were these lengthy telephone call interviews some of us had the ACTUAL "call back"? I was expecting to be scheduled for a second audition in person, but the interviewer left it so open ended. And it just occurred to me that maybe that was the ACTUAL call back. Stupid question, I fear, but I wonder if anyone knows???
