Thursday, December 31, 2009
Last post of 2009
When I started this blog, I would have never guessed that:
1. I would enjoy writing so much
2. That I would have over 1,400 profile views
3. Womentorz!
4. That I would be "recognized" in Vegas from my blog. That was fun!
5. Several hungry people would get food from inspired Women Inventors
6. A Women Inventor was able to show her invention to Pitchmen b/c she read about the auditon here.
7. That taking a bubble bath would never be the same
8. That women that auditioned for Women Inventor/Mom Inc would still be waiting to hear good news
9. That Product X would make it into Google News and Connie Talk
10. That The Everything Marinator would be given the "thumbs up" from Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank)!
Happy New Year everyone and remember, Be the change you wish to see in the world!
Much love,
Monday, December 28, 2009
And why did I start this blog? Because of Product X. And what is Product X? The Everything Marinator. And what is happening with The Everything Marinator? Nothing.
I had to wonder...why have I left my invention to collect dust...I know why...because it's a big pain in the butt! Man...this is a lot of work without any guarantees...and it worth it?!
I'm honestly not sure. Chasing this dream of my invention being the next big kitchen item that the masses can not live without...with an awesome Husband, two healthy children, a loving home and lots of friends, it just might not be what I want to spend my time on anymore...
Don't get me wrong...I love The Everything Marinator but I am seeing some truly wonderful inventions going nowhere even with tens of thousands of dollars being invested and hours upon hours of hard work put into it...
So what to do?
For now, I am waiting to hear from a man in the business of get his professional opinion and I'll go from there...
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Get your Networking on! Shipping.
When I started writing this blog, I had just found out about the casting call for Women Inventor.
Always having a passion for writing but an attention span too short to actually write a book (ha!), I created a blogger account and now, here we are, a bunch of wonderful inventors trying to find a way to improve/promote our businesses!
It was suggested that we touch on a topic that pertains to all of us: Shipping.
When I was shipping out Wear Your Manners Tee's, I would have loved to have known how to save money on the packaging and postage.
So Ladies, share your money/time saving ideas with us and know you are doing something so wonderful...helping a fellow inventor!
*On a side note: I would love to see 5 more bags of food go out to the hungry so by Christmas Day, we would have donated 20 bags to feed the needy! I know we can do it!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Finding a balance
Growing up, my Mom would tell me the story of the "four legs" and quite often I remind myself of the importance of being "balanced".
The idea is that for any table to achieve strength, balance and integrity, each of the four legs must be of generally equal size and length.
The four legs are:
The Physical 'leg' which represents our physical body.
The Mental 'leg' of the table which accounts for how people think about everything; themselves, others and their environment. Thoughts are pure energy.
The Emotional 'leg' of the table reflects how we feel about things.
The fourth and final 'leg' of the table is spiritual. Believing in something greater than ourselves.
This lesson has always intrigued me and I am constantly trying to find ways to balance my four legs.
It is an ongoing process of learning and living.
You can buy the book "The four legs of the table" by Raymond Ackerman.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
A much needed change
It never ceases to amaze me how change can happen without notice but sometimes you get lucky and the change that surprised you happens to be just what you have wished for!
You know what I am talking about...when you want change to happen but aren't sure how to go about it...sometimes if you sit back and wait, it'll take care of itself.
That's the best kind of "change"!
Most of the time we resist change for many reasons. It's scary, it's different, it's uncertain. Yes, change can take you off guard...can make you uncomfortable... but not all change is bad.
Sometimes change happens because it is what is best for YOU and I've had the pleasure of recently experiencing that change!
Change can be freeing! Liberating! A blessing!
Thank goodness for change!
P.S Because not all things remain the same, check out my new Go 2 Girlz site at
Have a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A phone call
I have a very important business phone call to make. I put if off yesterday so today is the day.
I'm nervous.
My words have to be perfect...every question has to be answered enthusiasm and confidence has to be top notch...
A friend suggested that I have a tiny glass of wine before I make the call. :)
I can talk a good game! Easily I can get my friends pumped up about a product or idea but now...I have to turn on the charm to a "big wig"!
I just don't want to blow it...
But my sweet Husband said, "Tracy, just talk the way you do". Awww...he believes in me and has the confidence that I can do anything...
Now it's my turn to "believe"....where's my wine?!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Team YOU
We are all so hard on ourselves and more often than not, when we make a good decision, it goes unrecognized...
Sure, YOU may know that you made a good decision but no one is there to pat you on the back...
This year make it a rule that YOU will be your own cheerleader! Gooooo ME!
One very cool way to do this is to buy a "Good Decision" Piggy Bank.
Starting January first, every time you make a good decision (not having that second or third cocktail, counting to three before yelling at your kids, quitting smoking, reading bible each day, getting rid of a toxic friend, taking a business risk that you have been putting off) put one dollar (or a quarter) in your "Good Decision" Piggy Bank.
At the end of the year use that money to buy yourself something wonderful! Or go on a trip! Or donate it to your favorite charity in YOUR name!
This will be a very simple but effective way of recognizing YOUR good decisions and congratulating YOURSELF for a job well done! It also might be a helpful tool if you are on the fence about something...
I am buying my "Good Decision" Piggy Bank at the arts and crafts store and decorating it all by myself (sorry kids).
Give me a "T"! Give me a "R"! Give me a "A"! Give me a "C"! Give me a "Y"!
Friday, December 11, 2009
December 11, 2009
According to WFLA TV, today is "Kindness Day"....
What acts of kindness will you do today?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The roller coaster and life
Over the holiday we took the kids to Bush Gardens along with my sister and her family - so fun!
I LOVE roller coasters but have not been on one for 9 years (after having my daughter I developed a huge fear of getting seriously hurt on roller coasters) but I was getting the itch to feel that rush of adrenalin again and the Scorpion was just the ride I needed to scratch that itch.
My Husband, Brother-in-law and I waited in line for 45 minutes while my sister took all four kids to get ice cream. She's a saint.
We made small talk and inched our way up to the yellow line but once we got there...on the platform...ready to sit in the seat...we heard a loud CRACK and then rain...
I looked to my right and the employee working the Scorpion - the roller coaster that was to be my first in 9 years - got on the loud speaker and announced that due to weather, all the rides were being shut down.
I chuckled. Shook my head and stepped off the platform.
There was a time that I would have sulked for a while, complained over and over and let that ruin my day but one thing I have learned through ALL of this waiting and the highs and lows of being an inventor is that everything happens for a reason.
I know I have said it before but it's one thing to type the words, another thing to experience the lesson first hand.
I did not get to ride the roller coaster that day but I was able to enjoy the "ride" of learning life lessons and that had it's own rush!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Day 2009
This is officially my favorite holiday!
I love the family that comes to town, the crowed house, football on the TV, kids playing and eating all day long. It is the only time of year that I eat my yummy Peas and Peanuts, guilt free indulgence of mounds of mash potatoes and my sister and I playing our traditional game of backgammon.
My Mom hosts Thanksgiving every year and there is something so wonderfully comforting about going over there and helping her in the kitchen. I love my Mom.
It is very cold here today - 63 degrees - perfect Turkey carving weather and let's not forget the Macy's Day Parade!
Like you, my list of what I am thankful for is endless but I would like to take this opportunity to thank God for all of His blessings!
Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving my blogger friends and family - it goes without saying that I am grateful for all of you!
Monday, November 23, 2009
WI Thanksgiving recipes
I am always looking for some new, yummy recipes and love to hear about family recipe traditions.
My family recipe comes from my Grandma Murbach. She is 92 now and so sweet! Sharp as a tack and still wants to know why I don't send her "thank you notes" (guilty, I'm afraid).
While you have your favorite recipe out, share it here with us. Who knows, maybe we'll have a new tradition of serving a Women Inventor Dish on our Thanksgiving table!
Keep an open mind when reading mine! :) It's really delicious!
2 packs of thawed peas
1 Teaspoon lemon juice
1 Pt of Sour Cream
1 Can of Spanish Peanuts
1 Teaspoon of Garlic Salt
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate. Serve cold in a pretty dish. Enjoy!
Thanks Grandma!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
No easy way out
I search the internet, read books, scour magazine articles, hoping for some majical tip on how to (very) easily get my invention to market but it appears, you DO have to do some major leg work. *Sigh*
It's kind of like losing weight...if you want to see results, you have to sweat. Not just one week of walking the treadmill but months and months of blood, sweat and tears (OK, a little dramatic but you get the picture).
I have a laundry list of steps I need to take to keep the ball rolling for the EM but the literal laundry is piling up and quite frankly, I am ready for a break from my EM.
However, as I was checking twitter (a very silly and self indulgent example of today's "me-isms" but a good tool for networking), I noticed that "entreprenette" was following me.
With a name like "entreprenette", I had to investigate and I'm happy I did! Sarah Shaw is in the business of helping inventors take their "big idea" from concept to reality and for an added bonus, she is an inventor herself.
After reading her story of the hard work it took to get her handbag line off the ground, I became re-inspired and ready to get back to work myself - without the luxury of a magic wand.
If you are looking for some help from an experienced entrepreneur or just want to read and inspiring story, visit
In addition to reviewing my "to do" list for the EM, I would like to give a special thanks to an amazing, uplifting and inspirational person that encourages me to "keep chasing the dream".
Thanks R.P!
Monday, November 16, 2009
WI Food Drive - Thanksgiving
With only ten days left before Thanksgiving, I am cheering everyone on to stop by your local grocery store and help feed the hungry - one WI at a time!
It's not much longer that those ladies with contracts will hear if their invention will receive national attention but while we anxiously wait with them, let's turn our attention to giving back!
We are currently at 10 bags...I wonder how high we can get that number! And while you are at it, let me know the name of the grocery store where you shop - it's just an interesting tidbit of the grocery "world" around us.
I shop at Publix....
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Idea = Reality
When an idea starts forming, it begins slowly with maybe just an afterthought but ponder it some more... and then you verbalize it...that's when your idea is on it's way to becoming a reality.
That's when the hard part comes in. How do I do it...where should I start...when will "it" be worth it...
For many of us, our dreams are held in the hands of strangers...waiting and hoping that these "strangers" see your vision and feel your passion...and waiting...
There are others that take the bull by the horns and go full force on their own...
I am not sure which one is harder...but both take guts and a tough skin because it's not always hearts and flowers...there is frustration, hard work...determination...
But the bottom line is this...if you don't try, no matter how you go about it, you'll never know if that little idea that started off as an afterthought can become your dream come true.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Keep the ball rolling
These past few days have been a prime example of how everything happens for a reason!
The casting call was a blast and I wish I could have filmed it for you to see but it was a closed set and they were not allowing any outside camcorders.
Stacey and I pitched to Pete from Sullivan Productions. Pete was sitting on the panel when we auditioned for co-host in Vegas and said "we rocked it" so needless to say, we were excited to see him again!
When we were finished with our pitches, Pete said Stacey and I "are the best team he has ever seen"! Whoohoo!
Although the two products were not selected for Pitchmen, we have not stopped pitching them!
Without saying too much, we met with Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank) yesterday and Best Buy is looking at one of the inventions, so you never know...but it's looking good! I'll keep you updated...
Thank you to everyone who sent us well wishes and encouragement!
It's all about making your dream a reality!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pitchmen Tampa
I'm sooooo excited! It's very early and I have not even finished my first cup of coffee but I have a big smile on my face and major bags under my eyes (have to do something about that). I am ready to PITCH!
At 39 I have found my passion. Does this mean that I have finally grown up?! :) I hope not! Haha!
Stacey and I are bringing Pitchmen two absolutely wonderful, fabulous, genius products made by WOMEN that are perfect for what the show is looking for and ladies, these two products are just the tip of the iceberg. We saw many, many great inventions in the last week and it makes me so proud! Women Inventors Rock!
We were up late last night practicing our pitches and having major wardrobe issues but at almost midnight, we figured it all out and I can't be more thrilled to be a part of The Go 2 Girlz!
Time to get the ice cubes out and de-puff these eyes but wish me luck ladies! It's going to be a great day!
*The WI Food Drive is picking up speed! Way to go and thanks. Really. Thanks! :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Preparing the Pitch
Not an easy task...but a fun one!
Stacey has a long background in acting and is really good at it but me...I am truly just a Pitchwoman and I like giving the facts...just the facts Ma' we have fallen into a comfortable format of Stace giving witty but informative information about the product while I hit the bullet points.
Pitchmen and 93.3 are planing for a turnout of about 200 on Wednesday. Twenty to thirty of those inventors will be selected to pitch directly to Anthony and then a handful of those inventors will be able to go on the MJ morning show on Friday to pitch their product again to Anthony, live on air.
No pressure! :)
We are hoping to be able to video tape our pitches and post them for you to see and if/when we are on the radio, you can listen in via your computer - fun!
In four short months, so much as developed and so many wonderful experiences have been had!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Eye Opener
There is been a HUGE response for The Go 2 Girlz to pitch women's inventions! Yay!
As exciting as that is, it is also a eye opener - there is an obvious void here! Women need a voice to get their product recognized without "giving away" their precious invention (or "baby" as many say) and Stacey and I are thrilled to help fill that void!
We would love to pitch every single invention that came across our desk but are restricted to only two inventions. Those inventions have been selected. However, Stacey and I are trying to get a meeting with Anthony Sullivan to show him all the other submissions.
Either way, The Go 2 Girlz are in full swing! When the Pitchmen casting call is rapped up, we will officially be launching our business of pitching women's inventions! Keep an eye on our website to get the latest and most accurate info.
Enough about me, what's going on with you? :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Go 2 Girlz Update
We have received many, many submissions for the Pitchmen casting call and I thank everyone that has submitted their product!
Tomorrow I will have more info to pass along but until then, remember...
We have your pitch covered!
***Don't forget about the WI Food Drive! We have 3 bags donated so far.
***Even with all the excitement of Pitchmen/The Go 2 Girlz, I am very happy for you girls that have contracts and am anxious to hear what happens when the producers contact you!
Women Inventors Rock! :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Go 2 Girlz
Girls…get comfortable…this is going to be a long post but an exciting one!
You all know I have had something up my sleeve and current happening are allowing me to tell you sooner than later!
I met Stacey at the Women Inventor Casting Call in
While Stacey and I were hammering out the details of our upcoming web show and hiring a film crew, editor and web designer, the casting call came out for co-host positions to work with Anthony Sullivan for Season Two of Pitchmen.
Off to
Currently we are waiting to hear if The Go 2 Girlz are selected for the show but in the meantime a casting call for inventors will be held in
For the Ladies that did not receive a contract from Discovery, Pitchmen could be a great opportunity for you to get your invention out there. But then there’s the problem of time and money! The casting call is NEXT WEDNESDAY!
If you would like to get your invention in front of Anthony but do not have the time and/or money to fly to Tampa on a moments notice, let The Go 2 Girlz pitch it for you!
Stacey and I have received permission to pitch on your behalf! All you have to do is sign a release that states you are allowing The Go 2 Girlz to represent you and your invention, ship your product to me ASAP and give a full description of your product! That’s it! Stacey and I will do all the work! We’ll write your script and pitch it to Anthony on November 4th. We will also be taping your pitch so you can see your product in action!
To find out if your invention fits the requirements for Pitchmen go to Discovery’s website and visit Pitchmen’s page. Then email us at with your name, product description and contact info.
Quickly, because time is an obvious issue, we will review your submission and get back with you ASAP.
I’m thrilled to FINIALLY be able to tell you what is happening in my world and to be a part of The Go 2 Girlz! I am passionate about supporting Women Inventors and love offering a service where YOU are in control of your product!
On a side note, kudos to the women that figured out why I changed the colors of my blog! They are the colors of Pitchmen!
Your Pitchwoman and Friend,
The Go 2 Girlz
Monday, October 26, 2009
Heads up
Late October
The last week of it going fast or slow? I try to stop and smell the roses, so to speak but when you are waiting to hear good's hard not to wish the time away...
If you received a contract from Discovery, congrats! I know we are all thrilled for you!
Question: Did they tell you when production is to begin and when it will air? Is HSN still involved?
It's officially "late October" and I was told "to plan on hearing something in late October"...I jump every time the phone rings and keep checking my email! :) I am sure many of you can relate!
Positive thoughts! That's the plan!!!!!
Maybe I'll pick up some roses...just as a reminder!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Food gives us comfort but for a starving child or adult, food gives them hope. And how great to give a stranger hope!
So this is what I am asking of my Women Inventors. Raid your pantry, hit the two for one at the grocery store and fill a paper bag(s) with non perishable items to drop off at a church or food bank.
With the holidays approaching us, many grocery stores have brown bags pre-filled and ready to go - all you have to do is purchase one and the grocery store does the rest.
Once a week until the end of the year I am going to have my children help me pick out the food and hopefully teach them a life lesson of giving while helping a worthy cause.
Sadly hunger is worldwide but easily you can help right here in your backyard!
Let us know how many bags you have dropped off (anonymously if that makes you more comfortable) and I will keep a tally on the top of each blog post. Let's work until the end of the year to see how many bags we can donate.
Let the WI food drive begin!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Shift the focus
Networking, Twittering, Facebooking, phone calling...the work it takes to get your name out there is exhausting and it's time for me to shift the focus off myself and on to something/someone else.
While I wait for some of the biggest and most exciting news of my life (like many of you are doing as well), I am halting the "Tracy Promoting" . The right people already know about me, they know what I do, they know what I have to offer, they have seen it, heard it and have all my info so I feel it's safe to take a break and give more of myself than to just myself.
Today will be dedicated to random acts of kindness, a trip to Good Will, a run to the food bank, many many words of love for those I cherish and .... a much needed break from the "meism" .
Monday, October 19, 2009
WWW (Women's Words of Wisdom)
Not only did I get to spend the evening with some great friends, I was able to hear some amazing success stories of Momtrepreneurs.
The MC was Mindee Doney - one of the inventors of Boogie Wipes. Then we had Grace Welch - she invented patemm - a circular changing pad. Katie Kyres - Silly Dilly Tot Spot, Author of "everyone is beautiful" - Katerine Center, Lisa Becker - founder of ostomysecrets.
One thing many of these ladies had in common was that they did not have a business plan, they just "jumped right in". I thought that was very interesting because I have never written a business plan and my Husband gives me a hard time about it. Now I can say "Ha! These Ladies did not do it either"!
There was someone else there that I met - a WI like you and me, with a fabulous idea that she is preparing to launch. She approached me and introduced herself saying that "she has been reading my blog for months and wanted to say hi". By the evenings end, she told me what her invention is and like us here, she was leery of sharing her "baby" in fear of it getting knocked off. I PROMISED not to say a word but let me tell you, this invention of hers is going to be HUGE!
Really, I am surprised that this invention is not on the shelves yet but that's the key here. She found an obvious solution to a common problem and realized that it hadn't been done yet so...she's doing it!
Although I enjoyed hearing what these WI had to say, I did not learn anything I did not already know which was reassuring. What I did hear was that if you have a vision, go for it! Take the risk and believe in yourself!
Sometimes it's nice to be reminded of that...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Asking for it!
I love that! has taken me until I was in my mid thirties to be comfortable asking for what I want. I never wanted to sound pushy or ungrateful and I was always afraid that I would offend someone by simply...asking...
Not now! It's very empowering to know that with the right tone, attitude and a smile you can vertuially ask for anything you want! Now, that doesn't mean you'll get what you are asking for but at least you ASKED!
Because I am not sitting on my hands and waiting for someone to wave their magic wand to get The Everything Marinator made, I have been doing a lot of "asking'!
This past weekend I stood in front of three people (in a casual setting) and pitched The Everything Marinator knowing what I was about to ask I was not nervous because I believe in The Everything Marinator and I know that you can't get what you want if you don't ask for it!
Two out of the three opened their checkbooks and the one person that did not give money gave the offer of free advertising! Not bad!
So thanks Mom, I do love that advice!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Moms Reinvented
True rock stars! At least that is how I view women inventors that have hit it big...with a fabulous idea and lots of hard work, of course!
Such is the case for the Boogie Wipes ladies! Julie and Mindee started Boogie Wipes in 2007 and today, a mere two years later, their company is worth $4.2 million dollars! Like I said, rock stars!
Mindee will be sharing her wisdom with us over dinner and drinks at the Moms Reinvented Event that will inspire us all while also raising money and awareness for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation.
These ladies are true role models for women inventors and I have to admit, if I had to choose between hanging out with Blondie and Pat Benetar or Julie and Mindee, the Boogie Wipes ladies would win!
But maybe we could play "Heart of Glass" and "Love is a Battlefield" on our ipod while we were hanging out...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
WI...Mom Inc...Questions
Are you out?
Who are you?
How do you feel?
Leave comments here and let us know.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Show me a sign
Recently I have heard several stories of people asking that simple question, "Please show me a sign" so I wanted to share my story with you of how sometimes you simply just have to ask.
When the news of Pitchmen auditions hit the web, it did not even occur to me to go to Las Vegas to attend the open call - strange because if you knew me at all, you would know that this was right up my alley!
After about a week, I was telling some friends about the open call and one friend emailed me saying, "You are crazy not to go". Hmmm, maybe, but I was not convinced. Then another friend called..."Tracy, you are passing up a great opportunity! You really need to give it a shot"!
That night my Husband and I had date night. I talked to him about the open call but expressed my concern about spending even more money chasing my dream (I wanted to get the house painted and was putting money aside for that reason). Plus, we had just dropped tons of money going to Chicago for WI and that did not pan out.
Jason was very supportive and even offered to fly my friend out to meet me so I would not have to go alone. He could not go (work, kids, etc.) but this offer to pay for my friend was very out of character - Jay holds on tighter to money than a dog does to a bone.
First sign.
The next day I checked flights and hotels but was feeling VERY guilty of using our family money for "me"....again...
I called my friend and told her that I just couldn't do it...the guilt was consuming me...she understood but said I should call Jason one last time to discuss it with him before making my finial decision.
I sat quietly and prayed..."Please God, show me a sign and a good one! Not just something small that I could miss...I need it to be obvious"!
Jason picked up the phone and I expressed my concerns, my guilt, my doubts and he said, "Book the flight. You're going. Call Stacey and book her flight. Tell Pitchmen to expect you there. Something good is going to come from this".
I hung up the phone and knew this was the sign I was praying about. An obvious sign. Normally it takes Jay a very, very long time to make a decision when it comes to spending money but here he was, within hours, telling me to "go for it"!
Vegas ended up being better than I could have expected and Jason was right...something good IS coming from this! I loved being able to call him and tell him that we had not wasted our money!
If any of you have a story you'd like to share about a sign you have received, I'd love to hear it!
Monday, October 5, 2009
And you guessed it...she won the lottery but the amazing thing is that she won the exact amount she had written down on that piece of paper...$112,000,000...
Some say it's the "Secret" but I have never read the book...however, I do believe in the power of positive thinking so let's do an experiment!
Write down one major thing you want to happen, put it under your pillow, and visualize it over and over and over again then let me know if it works!
I am starting the experiment tonight and I already know what I am going to write down but with all the tossing and turning I do, I can't imagine that the piece of paper will remain under my pillow. Maybe I'll place it in my pillow case...
Let the positive thoughts begin!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Behind the message
Interestingly enough, that post became a favorite among my family and friends and I started thinking...really Tracy, let's do this! Challenge yourself and be vulnerable! Work hard! Use that bubble bath!
I remebered what Donald Trump said, "Lazy people will never succeed" and what God said, "God helps those who help themselves". Not that I am comparing these two! :)
So I did...I forged ahead with a determination that I have never had before and in the following months, I have had doors shut, been told "no" and discouraged on several occasions but I just wouldn't accept THAT reality...MY reality was that I was about to hear "YES"!
And "YES" I have heard!
My uphill battle to make my dream a reality is finally paying off. I have some more work to do, believe me, but now I know that the HUGE amount of "bubble bath" I have poured into my life was not wasted!
So it is with great pleasure that I tell you, "I am officially out of bubble bath"...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The cat's out of the bag...
I figure it's been long enough...
When Kevin (from Milojo) called me and asked if I would post info about the casting process on my blog (remember that? I believe the post was called "Got some info for ya") he told me "Don't post this but I wanted to tell you that we have passed you on to the next round"!
Even now, thinking about it, I get a huge smile on my face because I can recall the total excitement I was feeling!!!
We actually went out for lunch and celebrated...positive that whomever now had my application would just LOVE The Everything Marinator!
So what happened? Life happened. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and I have to say, had I been selected and signed that contract, I would not have gone to Vegas and made the connections that I did.
My point being...I know you all are waiting...and hear from the WI show but while you wait, keep workin' your biz!
I was guilty of hearing that little "secret" and sitting on my hands waiting to hear back when I could have been working towards making my invention a reality on my OWN and lost a lot of time and money!
I am rooting for all of you!!!!!
On a side note: Please visit I do not believe they have the link up anymore regarding the show. You can find it in an old Google search but I could not find it on their most recent website. Let me know if I missed it!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Workin' it at home and beyond
But back to the point I am trying to make...every time I ask myself, "Why are you working so hard towards getting The Everything Marinator made? What's the point? In the grand scheme of things, what does it matter"?
The answer is this: I want to feel feeling of excitement and accomplishment so when my kids give me the "ewww" or laundry is piling up or dishes are waiting to be unloaded in the dishwasher, I will know that I am doing something for MYSELF - something I WANT to do and SUCCEEDING at living the dream of being a Momtrepreneur!
Tomorrow is Monday and in between the loads of darks and brights, I will be calling my contacts, emailing the potential investors, networking my media friends and one day...The Everything Marinator will be in dishwashers across the globe waiting to be filled again with yummy BBQ, healthy chicken and tasty veggies!
And drivers will merge into the left lane.. at the red light...if they are going straight...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Omni Comm Shoot

Here is a pic from my shoot yesterday at Omni Comm.
I taped two spots - one for a Home Warranty (now I want one!) and the Power Plank - a VERY cool piece of workout equipment. The crew was so friendly and fun to work with and of course, Brian rocks - he's great at making at making you feel comfortable in front of the camera!
While I was in the studio, I was able to pop in and say "Hi" to Kevin H. (from Shark Tank). I had pitched him The Everything Marinator while I was in Vegas.
Needless to say, it was an exciting day!
On a WI note, I see in the past comments that one women has received a phone call and is reporting that in two weeks there will be more news for the ladies that signed the contracts.
I can't wait to hear! But "wait" we will... :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Vegas Part 3 - the flight home
On the flight home, I had to stop in Kansas and while I was waiting to board the next flight, I saw a man I recognized. I had seen him at the ERA Convention but I recognized him from somewhere else...I just couldn't figure out where.
Feeling pumped from all the good news I heard in Vegas, I said "Hi"! (like we were long lost friends) and sat down next to him. I KNEW he looked familiar! He (Brian) used to be a Host on Daytime (NBC) and I did a segment with him with my tee shirt line, Wear Your Manners. Small world!
As it turns out, he does much much more and we have worked with many of the same people in the industry. *I used to work on The Ricki Lake Show, Caryl and Marlyn Real Friends on ABC, HSN*
Forbes Riley (The Julia Roberts of Infomercials) was also on the flight so needless to say, I had the best seats in the house!
This 3 hour flight I was dreading now turned into a major networking opportunity for me... but not just that...Brian and Forbes were very nice and fun to talk to !
If you recall, I was demoing the Spin Gym by Forbes Riley at the Paris Pool on Sunday night and now I will be shooting an infomercial and testimonials tomorrow at Omni Comm Studios in Clearwater!
Looks like being in the right place at the right time really holds true here!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
WI info and twitter
A quick note, I twittered (39 years old and twittering...who knew?!) TLC PR and asked what was going on with the show (WI) and if they were going forward with the show?
The response was this..."Yes - the show is still being developed".
Part 3 of my Vegas experience will be posted on Monday but until then, have a wonderful weekend!
*speaking of twitter, if you'd like to follow me, my name on twitter is Pitchwomen*
A little secret...Anthony Sullivan is "following me"! :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Vegas Part 2

"Sully" as he asked me to call him, was so sweet and was kind enough to sign a DVD set of Pitchmen for my daughter - she went nuts when I brought it home! We are huge Pitchmen fans here!
On Monday we walked the convention and made some really great contacts! One of those contacts is my neighbor...he was at the convention and already knew about The Everything Marinator.
We had a chance to talk and he said he would like to partner with me to get The Everything Marinator manufactured...he also sells products on HSN and we are meeting next week with someone from HSN to discuss selling it there!
Now I was able to relax and just enjoy the energy of the show!
Another highlight was meeting some of the ladies that check in here at Product X! I was totally flattered that they recognized me from my tiny picture here.
So as you can tell from this post, Vegas was well worth my time!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Vegas Part 1
The first night (Sunday) we hit the circle bar in the Paris Casino and meet TONS of people. Matt, the impact gel guy from Pitchmen was there and he was giving us pointers for the next day so we were really pumped to get this going!
Then off to the pool party that night where we meet John Cremeans (HSN Host, among other things) who then introduced us to Forbes Riley. Right there, by the pool, I am demoing the Spin Gym! My arms were totally killing me the next day - it's a great workout!
Stacey and I were on cloud nine and were really looking forward to pitching at the convention but after networking for a few hours we wanted to hit the slots.
After loosing "just enough", we went back to the hotel to get some rest and prepare for day two.
Of course, too excited to sleep, we stayed up and talked and the sleep I was hoping to get turned into just having a 3 hour nap! Oh well!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
One more time
The Everything Marinator is already in my car...I was terrified I would forget it...I am excited to get this going!
I really appreciate all the well wishes and encouragement and for those of you who are still waiting to hear from WI, I hope you hear soon!
If I can post in Vegas, I will and hopefully have lots of fun things to tell you!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Short and Sweet
I may have spent a lot of money going to the WI casting call but it was worth it for several of those reasons is flying in tomorrow (Stacey) and we will be leaving together on Sunday!
So, this is short and sweet (like myself, my husband says), and I will ask you to leave comments here if you have/have not heard back from WI.
Also, for anyone else going to Vegas or ladies just plugging away with their inventions and want to tell us about it!
Have a good one!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Lets meet!
I will be in town on Sunday afternoon and staying until Wednesday - the excitement of it all!
Tell me when you get in and what time(s) work for you.
I was thinking of meeting Sunday night, 6ish, at the Paris bar (it's to the right when you walk into the hotel, directly across from the bathrooms).
If you are going to be there another day, let me know and we can arrange a meeting time/place.
Paris is my FAVORITE hotel in husband and I re-newed our vows at the five year mark by having a huge party at Paris with 13 of our friends! We actually had Elvis marry us (again)! So fun!
On a side note: Thanks to everyone who is supporting me, giving me well wishes and encouragement while I take another shot with The Everything Marinator!!!
Enjoy your's 9/9/09 so expect good luck today! :)
Monday, September 7, 2009
Next week this time
One week from today I'll feel excitement or disappointment.
One week from today, I'll know what blog post I'll be posting.
One week from today I will either be jumping for joy or storing The Everything Marinator in my closet.
It's pretty interesting to ponder what will happen next week this time...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A little less conversation a little more action please
I am headed to Vegas with my friend Stacey (whom I had met at Women Inventor) and ready to pitch, pitch, pitch The Everything Marinator!
I wasn't going to go...then all of my friends and family said I was crazy not could call it "peer pressure"!
However ladies, I spoke to Ivette and she said if you plan on attending you must contact her. Her info is:
I'm cautiously excited...who knows where this is going to take me...but from a little help from my friends, I will be finding out soon!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Been there, done that
I am confident in my invention but WI made me cautious about jumping the gun and jumping on the band wagon...
Maybe Pitchmen will come to Florida and I can put The Everything Marinator in my car and zoom off to do my pitch without spending so much money (WI) that I could have had my CAD drawings done.
Also, the big question is...are they accepting prototypes...sure, they may say "yes" and change their minds...been there, done that...but it doesn't hurt to ask!
I keep The Everything Marinator on my kitchen counter as a reminder that there is a solution to every problem and to challenge myself to find it.
I do love a good challenge...
Friday, August 28, 2009
The return of Pitchmen
What a perfect way to start the day - Pitchmen is back!
Below is what I have found out so far but I have a few emails out to get more info.
Do any of you live close enough to go? I would love any excuse to go to Vegas but I am sending in a video this time...need the money, honey...
When one door closes (WI) another opens (PM)!
Good luck!
Attention all Pitchmen, Presenters, and Inventors:
Discovery Channel's "Pitchmen" is holding auditions for season 2. Inventors, if you think you have an product that will make you millions... Presenters, if you have the chops to pitch with the big boys... we want to hear from you!
Please submit your information to with the following
Contact Info
Recent Photo
Short Bio
- Location: Las Vegas
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
- Compensation: no pay
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
It's been 2 weeks
August 25th was the magical date that you would hear back if you were hear back?
Monday, August 24, 2009
New Reality Show! Hang tight
There is a new show in the works that is going to benefit a lot of you!
If you are currently selling your invention(s) on your web store, you are going to be able to have your product(s) seen by millions!
The show is not going to try to "own" your product or make you sign your product(s) away like all the other shows that are in Production now.
This will be a show that is there for YOU to help YOU get the word out about your invention(s)!
So hang tight...when I have more info, I'll let you know!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
An example of how my nickname is truer than not, I was purchasing a birthday gift for a good friend of mine and I happend to see really pretty tea towels (the towel you hang on your oven door to wipe your hands when you're cooking) that were monogrammed.
Should I get her a towel with the letter "C" or Caroline or "S" for her last name?
I was very rushed... I had just dropped off my crying daughter to cooking camp (she wanted to stay with me) , my son was playing with every breakable item in the store and could NOT be late for the was a surprise I chose "S" for her last name and picked up a cute bowl to go with the tea towel.
I was very pleased with my birthday gift for Caroline...I knew she'd love what I had chosen...that is until she opened her present (with all the guests looking on) and sort of furrowed her brow in confusion, and asked why I had chosen the tea towel with an "S"?
Well, for your last name, of course...until I realized my dear friend of 4 years had a last name that started with the letter "C"...oh, the horror!
So Spacey Tracy it is.
Luckily I was able to laugh it off and had the other ladies laughing with me (or was it at me?)...hopefully with...
Each time I have a Spacey Tracy moment, I try not to beat myself up...I had read awhile ago that we should embrace our faults and find the positive...I may not be focused but I am spontaneous...and creative/inventive...and think outside the box...
So the next time you start wagging your finger at yourself...tisk tisk...for not being perfect, give yourself a break and find the positive!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Who are you?
If you have been given a contract for W.I. and want to give us the 411, here is the place to do it!
And ya know what, if you haven't received a contract but want us to know who YOU are, post it here too!
We're get typing!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Not Standing Still
Personally, I can not stand still and just "wait"...I have to be working on something that is progressing forward and I think that is why I have so many irons in the fire (so to speak).
That is my pattern.
I am still looking for a way to get The Everything Marinator made but while I am "waiting", I have a new project in the works that is keeping me very busy but I LOVE IT! I love having my creative side challenged because let me tell you, this new venture is a challenge!
If I let my life become just about doing the dishes or folding the laundry or moping the floor, I become very blue. Creativity is in my blood so for me to be standing still is like telling the sun not to rise (OK, that was a little dramatic).
I have put a deadline on my new project...this will ensure that I stay focused...and plan to launch...dare I say, "Project Z".... notice that it is "ProJECT" and not "ProDUCT".
Yes, there will be no standing still for me!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Being Honest
Look in "comments" and you will see that many W.I. received contracts via email yesterday and for them, I say "Hooray"!!! But...well...I thought FOR SURE I'd get a contract and to be honest...I'm really sad, puppy dog eyes bummed...
When I started hearing that the women selected had inventions that were already manufactured, it made me feel better. So I wasn't chosen because I was just in prototype stage. Lick my wounds and move on. Well, now there is a W.I. that received a contract and she is in the prototype stage...once again, happy for her but...shoot!!!
And another thing ladies...(this makes me smile and shake my head)...what if they have so many W.I. not signing contracts and they have to keep going down the list and there - way, way down - is The Everything Marinator?
Do I actually have that flutter of hope again?
Time will tell but for now, I will be posting the video of me demoing The EM for Sullivan Productions to look at (you can send a video link instead of a DVD).
Thanks for letting me be honest... :)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Next step
I waited until the clock chimed 9am and dialed Sullivan Productions. Sullivan Productions is located in Tampa so I thought, with a resource so close to home, I'd start there.
My first question for the very helpful Marie was, "May I schedule a meeting with Mr. Sullivan please". *see I put a period at the end of that sentence and not a question mark? I was trying to sound very authoritative. I may have even dropped my voice a little*.
Her polite answer was an authoritative "no".
I went on to inquire about having an infomercial shot. $45,000. Next question.
I asked if they were in the business of purchasing products and manufacturing them.
"No, we are solely a Production Company but if we like your product, we may submit it to Telebrands to see if they would be interested".
Yeah! Getting somewhere!
Could I drop off the taped demo at your office. *once again, no question mark. I must like speaking like that. Interesting. Learn something new everyday.*
"No, we are discouraging that. Please send it in via mail".
I happen to know that Mr. Sullivan frequents a certain restaurant here in Tampa on a weekly basis. Maybe I could stalk the restaurant and personally hand it to him. A good friend of mine works there. She could call me and I could race there and hope to catch him. Only problem with that is I would most likely be in my pajamas with no make-up because he only goes late at night.
OK, scratch that...
Looks like today will be about taping my pitch (hopefully my daughter can hold the camera still and my son will be quiet as a mouse), downloading the video, recording it on a disc, writing a letter to...Dear's going to be a fun day!
I asked how long until I know if they like the product and she said if I hear back from them in 6 weeks, they are interested. Another waiting game...
Another iron in the fire is the email to a contact at HSN hoping to get a name of a Kitchen Appliance Buyer to see if they would be interested in selling it.
I'm happy to feel like I am "back in the game"!!!I've got a plan!
On a side note:
Remember the W.I I wrote about that received a contract from Discovery but did not sign it? Well, I checked in with her today via email to see what was going on and she has not been contacted again by the show. It's been weeks. Interesting...I thought they would at least negotiate...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
frockZ rocks!
I successfully washed off all the dirt from the Farm (my Grandparents Dairy Farm in PA)and went to check the mail that had piled up while I was away and there was my purchase from frockZ. Yeah!
You know that feeling that you get when you buy something new? Guilt? No, not THAT feeling! The good happy and excited that you came across a product that you LOVE! And it's YOURS!
Well, that's how I feel about my frockZ. The good feelings.
I opened the brown UPS box and tucked inside was this adorable, little plastic purse with a red snap and a scalloped top. Perfect for my daughter to play with. Inside this clever package was my frockZ - a lampshade cover - and I picked the coolest pattern - cheetah! Animal accents are my thing but that's a story for another time and place.
When I held it, I thought for sure that I had ordered the wrong size. But no worries, with some help from my Mom, I was able to put the frockZ on my cream, boring lampshade and tada! A beautiful, new cheetah lampshade just for me! Well, for my whole family's in the family room...
Wanda, one of the creators of frockZ, auditioned for W.I. as well and I wanted to show my support by purchasing one of her products. It's not expensive either and the website is very user friendly! Oh yeah, and quick, quick shipping. I ordered it before I left for the Farm.
Take a minute and go to and have fun "building" your new lampshade cover. I promise you'll love it AND you'll be supporting one of us - a Women Inventor!
My only wish is that I had more boring lampshades to cover...looks like I have some early Christmas shopping to do...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Something to think about
I was taking a bath last night (I know...TMI, but stay with me)and I took out my very, very nice bubble bath. I have had this bubble bath for quite a long time because I only use a little bit each time so I don't run out.
Well, last night I was not paying attention and poured A LOT of my precious bubble bath into the water. I literally said out loud, "Oh no"! Over bubble bath! "Oh no"!
Ok, damage was done so I picked up my US Weekly and go in.
Next thing I knew, I was in bubble heaven! It was beautiful...the type of bubble baths you only see in movies! Think Julia Roberts in Pretty Women.
And here is my analogy.
Life is like a bubble bath. You can put just a little into it and get mediocre results.
Or you can pour as much into life as you can and get big, huge, wonderful results!
I will never again take a bubble bath with tiny, little bubbles...just like I will not live a life with tiny little results.
My life will be overflowing with glorious bubbles because I plan on putting that much into it!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Do Tell
If you would like to share if/when you were contacted from Milojo/Discovery, what was said or written to you about your invention, if you are signing the contract, etc., I'm sure we'd all be happy to support you in any way we can!
On a side note,
I am honored that a few Women Inventors have shared their stories with me (via phone) about being contacted by the show, what was said, what contracts they were given and what they plan on doing going forward. They have trusted me not to reveal who they are and I think that is a good testament to how we all are looking out for each other!
After a phone "interview" today with a Women Inventor that auditioned for the show, I was given permission to say that she is NOT signing the contract that was given to her by Milojo/Discovery.
From what I understand from what she and another W.I (Women Inventor)has told me, the contract is very vague and does not state what percentage of sales you will receive.
Also, Discovery wants the W.I to sign a contract saying they "own" your invention for a period of 7 years. During that time, if you have your product for sale somewhere else, ie: online, you must stop selling from the time you sign the contract.
Although the show stated that you did not have to have a "shelf ready" product, it appears that shelf ready products are the ones that have been selected.
If you are reading this and you HAVE been given a contract without having a "shelf ready" product, let us know!You can always remain anonymous.
If you have been contacted asking from more info and are still waiting, let us wait with you! Fill us in and let us be your cheerleaders!
I will leave it open to you now... so ladies... Do tell!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Turn on a dime
Manufacturing The Everything Marinator will be somewhat pricey so Jason and I often talk about what it'll take (ie:how much money) to get The E.M (Everything Marinator) off the ground.
My sweet, little daughter walked up to me yesterday with a dime and said, "Here Mommy, here is ten cents to put towards The E.M".
Looks like I have my first invenstor!
That ten cents made me think about how everything can turn on a dime.
When it was apparent that Women Inventor was not in the cards, I was floundering...trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my invention.
As I told friends and family that a camera crew would NOT be coming to my house and HSN was more of a dream than a reality, I found some wonderful support. And some suprising offers of free advice, phone numbers for professionals that would help me for little or no money if I told them who reffered me,some friends that believed in me so much that they wanted to invest in The E.M. and... my daughters dime.
There is more than one way to skin a cat (gross saying but you know what I mean) and I am looking for that "way"!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What now?
So I am going to pass along information to you that I got today because I feel it's important that I keep with my original purpose of my blog.
I have called Milojo to confirm what I am going to tell you all but I have not heard back from them so please keep that in mind.
I spoke to a lady today that has received a contract for Women Inventor and an outline of the show. She was emailed this contract and outline two weeks ago.
The outline stated that next month a camera crew would be filming her for 6 days and then in the Spring of next year, there would be one finial taping in New York City.
She was told that 60 women have been selected and sent contracts but they will only be using 24 women for the show.
Like I said, I have not confirmed this with Milojo but I do not feel that this information inaccurate because there would be no reason for this women to not tell the truth.
If this information is leaving you feeling disheartened, believe me, I know how you are feeling.
From what I understand, the show is waiting to see who, out of the 60 women, will sign the licensing agreement.
So... what now?
After a tearful moment and the realization that it looks pretty grim for me and The Everything Marinator (for this show), I decided to pull myself up from the bootstraps and realize that this is just not the path God has chosen for me. And believe me, I have had to remind myself of that over and over again today when a wave of "poor me" set in.
I do believe that everything happens for a reason and things are the way they are supposed to me.
During the audition in Chicago, I met this really great girl with an idea SO good that I am working with her to help get her product out there (she has not received anything from the show either). And we have become great friends. So I do think that in some way, I was meant to meet her and maybe that was my purpose for auditioning for the show.
Who knows.
But for now, I am going to pursue other avenues for manufacturing The Everything Marinator and see what God has planned for me. You should all see the pitiful little look I have on my face right now while typing this...all sad and poutty... :)
Chin up Tracy! Good things are to come!
Feel free to leave comments (and condolences, ha ha) on my blog and please know I have had a blast getting to know all of you and seeing, reading and learning about your wonderful inventions.
I am headed on vacation with my family - gotta love summer - and will not be blogging until next week but will check in early tomorrow morning before I leave.
I hope you understand that on behalf of the women I am speaking of, I can not tell who she is - a promise is a promise but I wish her luck and luck to all of you too!
Monday, July 27, 2009
A rare gem
That is until you read Whitney's blog.
Reading Whitney's blog is an experience - not just a mindless click of your mouse when you have an extra five minutes at your computer.
She is a talented writer and not only blesses us with her words but also her amazing photographs that she uses to help tell her story.
Whitney is writing her blog as a way to document the happenings of her family, friends and loved ones - her personal journey - but let me invite you to take a peek of what will soon become your go to blog for a "feel good moment".
Whitney has many talents and is one creative gal! A rare gem, if you will.
I was fortunate enough to meet Whitney at my Sisters house and have been a "groupie" ever since!
Whitney has a website called little button designs where you can easily shop adorable, washable labels (think sippy cups, backpacks, lunch boxes, Tupperware, homemade goodies, etc.), return addresses and cute gift tags.
This will be the second year that I will be ordering labels from her for all of my childrens school stuff.
And then...if that isn't enough to make you smile, Whitney is also a professional photographer (which you can see right off the bat on her blog).
Visit Whitney Tingle Photography and just for fun, read what she has written under "about me". I'm telling you, it'll take your breath away.
Wow, I KNEW I liked Whitney but now after typing this, I realize I kinda idolize her! :)
Whitney's blog is "midnights and early mornings", right here on blogger.
Visit her there and I promise you, you won't be disappointed! All of her other info (her little paper shop, photography) is posted there as well.
Beautiful blog, adorable paper products, amazing photography and a great last name -
Sunday, July 26, 2009
We the Inventors
It takes a special person to be an Inventor - someone who thinks outside the box and someone that has a deep rooted passion for new ideas!
I am always thinking of ways to improve items I use and I love the challenge of finding solutions for simple, everyday problems.
But it's exhausting...with a chuckle I type, "it's exhausting"!!!!!!
From the moment I found out about Mom, Inc (Women Inventor, TLC Lifestyle Show), my brain has been on overdrive!
Purchasing of the airline tickets to fly to Chicago ("we'd love to meet you in person"!), to the prototype ("you must have a working prototype")to perfecting my pitch ("be ready to Dazzle us"!)and now to this...waiting...and get the picture.
I guess I was getting used to being so busy with Product X that now it's not so easy sitting still and actually thinking of "regular things" like getting the kids ready for back to school, my diet :( , needing to get my breaks fixed, the much needed pulling of weeds, signing up for school committees, my diet :( ....
I have to admit (shhh), I'm already thinking of my "next big thing" but don't tell anybody...I'll be hung out to dry if I ramble on about ONE more invention to my friends and family!
Yes, to be an Inventor...we are a creative but impatient bunch but you've gotta love us!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Time is up
Visit their website for more info!
Good luck ladies! I know I'M holding my breath!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Me, sometimes I like change, other times...not so much. For example, I love moving and if I am somewhere (same house, same town) for more than 3 years, I get antsy.
But because I am married with children, jumping from house to house and town to town is not an option so I have to full fill my need for change in other areas. I redecorate, change gyms (which sometimes feels like my other home), change it up in the kitchen which, I am sad to say, means that I'll ACTUALLY cook for a stint.
However, I am sitting here looking at my blog and thought it was time for a change. Different fonts, different colors, different format. But this I can not bring myself to change. Weird, I do not know why. Maybe it's because I like the familiarity of it all, each and every day, knowing what I will see when I log on...
There is one thing I know we ALL are trying to change...our future! With the success of our inventions or even just the process of TRYING to be successful, we are changing our paths in life.
That age old expression: Embrace Change. Well... I'M ready to embrace change! I welcome the "change" that will come by having my invention be successful!
Hopefully sooner than later for my family's sake because I am seconds away from house hunting!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Pretty cool article
After seeing a picture of Michael Jackson and his monkey, I scrolled down and to my surprise, there was another article about my quest to be on Mom, Inc (Women Inventor)!
I had emailed Connie when I returned from Chicago but did not know she published my quote!
If you have not checked out this news blog, do so today - it's pretty cool!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Got some info for ya
First off, production is not starting August 3rd and as of now, they do not have a production date set nor do they have an air date set.
Currently, they are still looking at submissions then the selected are off to TLC then to HSN for their consideration. No one has "officially" been selected yet.
If you did not get an email or phone call inquiring more about your invention, that does not mean anything either way. Phew!
It will be about 4 weeks before the selected women inventors are notified. Yep, still have some nail biting to do!
So that's that. For now.
Personally I think 4 weeks sounds better than a month!
You can look at it this way:
4 more Mondays (my favorite). Or 4 more Sunday dinners. Or 4 more tanks of gas (if you fill up once a week). Or 4 more weeks of summer before the kiddies go back to school.
What are some of your "4's"?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tell us three things
Sometimes it's hard to be so introspective but after much thought, this is what I came up with:
1. I always try to do the right thing.
2. According to my daughter, I am the worlds worst singer.
3. I used to be a Flight Attendant but now I am terrified to fly!
Now, tell me YOUR three things. Even if you did not fill out an application for the show, I still want to know!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Quick update
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Flipin' Out
Yesterday I met a girl who is a family friend of Debbee Barker. AKA: FlipFold Inventor.
Here is the success story we are all looking for! Debbee needed her two girls to fold their laundry. The girls would/could not fold their clothing properly so Debbee started to work on a solution. After a cardboard prototype was made and then a plastic one, a trip to a Vegas convention and a patent, the FlipFold became a HUGE success!
Debbee is now a regular on HSN - where we all hope to be - and enjoying the life of an entrepreneur! She sells other products as well such as a travel jewelry bag that looks like a T-Shirt that has been FlipFold(ed) and hides nicely in your hotel room dresser.
I went to Debbee's website and watched her segment on The Big Idea. Listening to her just filled me with excitment of what may be to come!
Credit card in hand, I am signing off so I can purchase a FlipFold for myself. Oh yes, she also has made FlipFold for Kids! Guess what my children will be doing from now on? Their OWN laundry!
You can find her at Happy Folding!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Mushy is not for me
Yesterday I popped in and on the front display was their $199.99 marinator with a cookbook and marinades on the table with a forth of July theme. This very pricey marinator is HUGE and boasts that you can marinate in a very short time using the vacuum method.
After doing A LOT of research, I found many articles stating that using the vacuum method to marinate meat gives you a mushy texture. From what I have read, vacuum marinators open and stretch the fibers of the meat therefore allowing the marinade to penetrate faster. Doing this is what makes the meat "mushy". It makes sense if you think about it. Maybe that's why you never see the cooks on Food Network using this method...
Ok, my featured product today is Grandma's Secret Spot Remover. If you ever thought of throwing away a piece of clothing because you could not get a stain out - WAIT! This stuff is A-MAZ-ING!
You know those stains on your black tees (grease?), Grandma's Secret Spot Remover will get it out! Grass on the jeans knees? OUT! Even a stain on my Mom's white pants that the drycleaner could not remover. BUH-BYE!
I purchased mine at Bed Bath and Beyond but have seen it at drug stores and you can buy it online.
So go to and put stained clothes behind you instead of in the trash!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Many great inventions
That's when I will find out if I made the "cut" but I have to say, I am not counting down the days - so to speak - because that would mean the end of Summer and my kiddies will be headed back to school.
We are having such a great time swimming, traveling, having play dates and playing "tourist" in our own town. Visiting museums, aquariums, beaches and the zoo. The kids are at such an easy age(s) right now and I'm loving every minute of it. Well, almost every minute.
Of course if I hear anything worth reporting about The Everything Marinator and/or the Women Inventor Show, I'll be sure to post it ASAP!
Until then, I thought it would be fun to feature some products made by Women Inventors that I have come across in the past and that I love.
When I was in grade school and the summer was coming to an end, I would always get that sinking know the feeling...back to bedtimes and homework and hoping I wouldn't get that really annoying kid in my class again this year.
The one saving grace for me was getting my school supplies. There was something magical about a brand new notebook with Scott Baio on the cover or whatever was "cool" at the time. The newly sharpened pencils and rubber glue that I would promise my Mom I would not "sniff". And let's not forget the new lunchbox.
I would take forever choosing my new lunchbox certain that the key to my happiness for the upcoming year would be riding on what I brought my lunch to school in. For that reason, I highly recommend checking out Laptop Lunches.
My children love bringing their lunches to school in these inventive lunch boxes!
Ever heard the expression, "Perception is key"? Well, the "perception" of the lunches in this colorful box actually makes the lunches more appealing! Therefore, my children actually eat what I pack them!
So if you can't find a Scott Baio lunchbox for your little one, go online and let your kiddies personalize their own bit of lunch time happiness!
Visit and place your order today. That's one check mark on your supply to - do - list....
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Proud Owner of...
In a true panic, I contacted Dotster and while on hold for 21 minutes I prayed that no one else would think to purchase the names. Funny how you can become irrational when you realize there is something out there that you MUST have!
Once I purchased the names, I typed them in: and
The site read: This is a future home page.
I wanted to celebrate! Right there in front of me were words on a computer assuring me that I will go further with The Everything Marinator! It had a future!
While not expensive, it's quite excitng to own a little piece of cyberspace realestate!
I am now the proud owner of two domain names that lead me one step closer to The Everything Marinator becoming a reality!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Day 3
I am just on cloud nine but somewhat concerned about what I am wearing. When we saw Danielle earlier I had asked her if I should change my outfit. I was wearing a black, casual dress and knew a bright color would look better on TV. She said I looked great and not to change. Oh well, black is supposed to be slimming, right?
As the crew was setting up, we hung out with Danielle in the hallway and I was hanging on her every word. We talked about some really great inventions that she had seen and about New York City - my favorite city in the world!
Then it was time to get the mic on. Danielle clipped it to the back of my dress and had me to a voice check. Testing, one two three, testing. But as I was finding out, Danielle has a very good sense of humor and told me to do the voice check in a mans voice to confuse the crew on the other side of the door. Being silly helped ease my nerves a bit and we were all cracking up!
I was to stand at the door, count to 5 out loud, open the door and walk in saying, "Welcome to Chicago! I'm Tracy Sanders and I invented The Everything Marinator"!
Once I did that, they stopped filming and I set up The Everything Marinator on a small table with a couple of marinades next to it. Then it was time to start rolling again. Don't be nervous, don't be nervous...
I got through the majority of my pitch but just STOPPED when I had said all I could remember to say. Stopped, just like that. And stood there. I guess I did not even complete my last sentence because Danielle asked me to "finish what I was saying". I got through my pitch in one minute thirty nine seconds.
Of course afterward I remembered ALL the other points I wanted to make like: Because of the design of The Everything Marinator, it uses less marinade! Stop wasting your money marinating your food in plastic bags that take 20 years to disintegrate in landfills! My daughter actually named The Everything Marinator! Stuff like that.
After my "stopped short" pitch, Danielle asked me a few questions off of my application. "So, you were a flight attendant and now you're afraid to fly"?! Tell us about that".
"You used to work on the Ricki Lake Show? What did you do there"?
I took it as a good sign that they asked me some personal questions. Now what I actually said is a complete mystery to me!
A touch of sadness washed over me when Danielle removed the mic from my dress. The casting call was officially over. But that was feeling was quickly replaced by relief. And excitement.
Up the elevator Jason and I went to enjoy the rest of our vacation and tucked inside my handbag was my new prized possession. My "green card".
Monday, June 29, 2009
2nd Day in Chicago
I was not going to put make-up on or do my hair but I thought...maybe I should just in case I run into someone in the lobby...
We decided to check out the casting call room to see how many women were there and were surprised to see it was pretty quiet.
Danielle (the casting director) was rounding the corner so I said, "Hi Danielle"! She stopped and just looked at me (we had not met the previous day) so I continued, "I'm Tracy. I was here yesterday with the Everything Marinator".
This is my favorite part...
Danielle says, "You're Tracy?! The Everything Marinator Girl?!?! "We have been talking about you! Do you still have your marinator"?
With the biggest smile, I replied, "Yes, we're staying here at the hotel and it's in the room".
"Great"! Danielle says, "we want to hear more about it and find out how it would be made. I was going to call you and ask you questions over the phone but now we can hear about it in person. Could you come back at 10am and tell us more"?
Danielle instructs me to "wait right here" and when she returns, she HANDS ME A GREEN CARD!!!
Oh, the much sought after "green card"! Written on it was the number 1. I practically skipped up the stairs, I was so happy!
And here Jason thought we were finished talking about the casting call... :)
Jay and I head to go get coffee and go over what I will say in my 2 minute demo. We had thrown out the meat and veggies we were going to use the previous day for the demo so I did not have a "prop" but Danielle had said that was fine.
We both thought it was a good sign that they were "talking" about me and my invention the night before. I wonder if they had already started going over the tapes from that day?
I only drank a tiny bit of coffee...I did not want to be too "wired" during the demo...and we headed back to the room to get ready. Of course I took a picture of the "green card" and texted it to all of my friends. One friend thought I had borrowed it from another girl and was playing a joke on her. Ha ha!
With The Everything Marinator in hand and more make-up applied, we pressed LL in the elevator....
To be continued....
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saying Goodbye
I worked with Billy on HSN eleven years ago and he was a total gentleman. Funny, sweet and considerate.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
God bless.
Product X revealed! The first day of the casting call.
As I was looking around, I saw a sign down the hall that said "Line starts here". It was all pretty exciting!
That night I did not sleep much but not because I was nervous but because I was so excited to get this underway!
From what I had read from other women that attended previous casting calls, you could get in line early so I was ready to go at 7am. The casting call was slotted to begin at 9am.
Once we went downstairs I was bummed to see a sign that read "We will open the doors at 9am". Please wait in the lobby". Now it did not matter how early you got there...
Jason and I had over an hour so we went into the hotel restaurant to have breakfast and I was in much need of some coffee. Just as we placed our order, I noticed all the ladies in the lobby getting up and going downstairs! But it was not 9am! It was 8am!
I bolted out of my chair and joined the wave of inventors streaming down the stairs. There was about 30 women and when they entered the main room, they all just stopped. Not me...I knew that around the corner was the sign that read "line starts here". So I casually kept walking past everyone and became "number 1" in line. Thank goodness I did my homework and knew where to go! I wanted to get started as soon as possible so my nerves would not get the best of me.
While waiting, I met some really great people! One girl in particular, Stacey, was so sweet and had the greatest invention! I won't say what it is in case she isn't telling everyone yet but I would buy it!
The doors opened and we slowly made our way to the room where we signed in, had our picture taken with our line number and our invention then...waited some more....
The crew was really nice and made all of us feel very comfortable.
When it was time to go to the "30 second pitch room", I could barely contain myself! I was instructed to stand on the taped "T" ( T for Tracy, of course!) on the floor and "start when I was ready". Oh yes, and"look right into the camera". Luckily Jason was in the room with me so I could drill him afterward about how I did.
My pitch came easily because I just knew it by heart. It went something like this....
"Hi, my name is Tracy and I invented The Everything Marinator"! The Everything Marinator is going to revolutionize the way we marinate today! It has 8 separate chambers giving you the unique ability to marinate up to eight different types of food all at the same time, all in the same container! With eight different chambers, you can give everyone the flavor of marinade they crave! The Everything Marinator is convenient and goes where you go! Take it with you tailgating, to the block party, to the park for a cookout! It's dishwasher safe and easy to store"!
When I was finished with my pitch, one of the crew members that was filming asked me to show him The Everything Marinator and describe it further to him. Then I was told, "thanks, it'll be 8 weeks until we make our decision".
But wait! I didn't get the "green card" I had been hearing so much about! If you are given the "green card" you are able to go on and do a 2 minute demo. Of course I said to him, "But I didn't get a "green card"! He assured me that the only reason you are given a "green card" "is because you could not explain your invention well enough in the 30 second pitch and since I was able to explain what The Everything Marinator did, I did not need to go on to the 2 minute demo".
I wanted to believe him...but I walked away doubtful. It just didn't make sense..if they really liked your product, then they'd want to hear more about it, right?
I waited for the next 10 women to finish their pitch and none of them got a "green card" so maybe it was not the end of the world that I did not get one and I still had a shot. My Husband said so and that's what I wanted to believe, so I did. That is until I heard a lady in the elevator say she got a "green card". Even though I had to go UP and she was going DOWN, I jumped in to hear more about this "green card". She said she was number 20 and was the first women to get the "green card". Her product was a pet carrier.
Poor Jason, he had to listen to me analyze EVERYTHING from that day well into the night.
That was the first day...come back tomorrow to read what happens the second day! It only gets better!!!